By the time students enter high school, they have already developed keen powers of observation. The focus in high school centers around the capacity to think scientifically across various disciplines. It is not about specializing in only one or two. Science is a dynamic universal language that develops the capacity to observe, to think, to be open, to learn from history, to be flexible, and to problem-solve thoughtfully.
The goal of our science teaching is to acquaint students with the present position in science and with the historical processes that led to it. This historical study brings home to the students that today’s science is a stage on the path of human development.
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Middle School Science Courses
Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology, Botany
7th Grade Ecology
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
8th/9th Grade Anatomy & Physiology Part 1
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
8th Grade Chemistry
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
7th Grade Chemistry
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
8th Grade Physics
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
7th Grade Physics
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
6th Grade Physics
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
6th Grade Astronomy
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
6th Grade Geology and Mineralogy
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
5th Grade Botany
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
High School Science Courses
Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology
College Prep Chemistry
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Botany: in Nature and in Farming
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Organic Chemistry
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Electricity & Magnetism
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
8th/9th Grade Anatomy & Physiology Part 1
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Embryology & Genetics
Academic year offered:
- 2024-25
Human Biology
Academic year offered:
- 2025-26