Is Online Teaching Anti-Waldorf?

Waldorf schools are conscious of the threat technology poses to our humanity. Is using such online tools for teaching good, bad, or more nuanced? Can remote learning using online tools remain the subject and not the master, and serve the mission of bringing Waldorf education to more people?

Reflections on a Year of Online Teaching (2020)

Jamie York at workshop

Jamie York’s reflections on starting the online Jamie York Academy just months before the pandemic of 2020. Surprisingly, he says, it has been his most successful teaching, when considering by his students’ enthusiasm and the development of their thinking. But it was not without challenges and lessons learned.

Jamie on the Learn, Grow, Teach, Parent Podcast, Episode 3

Jamie on Podcast Learn Grow Teach Parent

In this episode we take a deep dive into how intuition plays a role in mathematics, how philosophy influenced the development of math and how learning can take a form beyond logic. How math and logic in antiquity evolved from Pythagorean ideals to Cartesian skepticism. Where Jamie differs from Pinker, and how it’s critical to meet children’s educational needs within their development needs.

Finding a Math Curriculum for Homeschool

Homeschool boy doing math homework

Homeschooling gives you lots of independence but also responsibility. Finding a successful homeschool math curriculum is crucial. Here are some things to consider.

Tips for Success In Homeschool Math Teaching

Homeschool Students

Teaching homeschool math can be hard and studies show a “math gap” in homeschoolers. Here are some tips for effective math teaching, and learning, for both the parent/teacher and student.

Our Summer Math Camp is back! Join us from July 21 to August 7, 2025. Find out more and sign up

Sunflower geometric drawing

Enrollment is Open!

Register for our Waldorf-based, rigorous online homeschool math, science and humanities courses.

Join our growing community of thoughtful students from around the country and the world!