
Find the tuition rates and notes for the Math Academy, Science Courses, and Tutoring below.

Tuition Rates for the Math Academy

(1)  The Full Math Academy Program

$160/month per student ($1440/year) which includes:

  • Weekly tutorial sessions in a group of 10-15 students led by one of our JYMA tutors.  Highly recommended!  (Required for grades 10-12.)
  • Two recorded lectures per week
  • Weekly Individual Assignments and Group Assignments
  • Placement in a student work group (2 to 5 students)
  • Parent meetings (once per quarter)
  • Once per quarter (for grades 5-9) Jamie offers a live lecture or group visit

(2)  The Basic Math Academy Program

$106.67/month per student ($960/year)

  • All of the above, except for the Weekly tutorial sessions.
  • Not available for grades 10-12, where the Friday tutorial is required.
  • The parent plays the role of “tutor”.  If you are considering doing this, be sure to read “Role of the Tutor”, below, and make sure you can commit to all of these responsibilities.

Tuition for Science and Humanities Courses

Three-week course (5th Grade Botany)

$285/course per student

Four-week “Main Lesson” Courses

(all 6th through 12th grade science and humanities courses, except spanish classes)

$380/course per student

Science Course Notes:

  • In a Waldorf school, science courses (physics, chemistry, biology, earth science) are taught every year in a single, intensive main lesson block, usually for four weeks.  For example, a Waldorf student will get physics every year in grades 6-12.
  • These science courses are completely separate from the Math Academy. Families sign up and pay for each course separately.
  • Each science course is taught by a Waldorf trained teacher.  The students will learn through a synthesis of hands-on experiments, (recorded) demonstrations, and live discussions led by the teacher (via Zoom).


Billing and Payments

  • You can pay by credit card, PayPal, ACH Direct Bank Deposit,  or personal check (if you pay for the full year). 
  • If you choose to pay on a quarter-by-quarter basis, then we will send you a payment link two weeks before the start of each quarter.
  • If you join during the last few weeks of a quarter, then the tuition is pro-rated.

Commitment and Refund Policy

In order to honor our commitment to our tutors and our commitment to the other families, we ask that your payment indicates your commitment to have your child complete the full 8-week quarter.  If a student drops out after one week of joining the Math Academy, the family will be refunded for everything except for that one week.  If a family pays for the full year, and then drops out before the end of the year, we will refund any remaining quarters, minus a 10% charge to cover credit card and administrative costs.

Financial Assistance

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The Role of the Tutor

(Note that the meaning of the term “tutor”, as used here, is not just someone helping out a student who is “behind” or struggling, but rather, the tutor is an adult mentor who is helping to guide the student’s studies.  This is helpful for all students of all ability levels.)

The responsibilities of the tutor are:

  • Learning the material.  The tutor needs to listen to the week’s two lectures, and master the content enough to be able to teach it to the student.
  • Monitoring student progress.  The tutor needs to monitor the progress of each student in the tutorial group.  This includes looking over the student’s individual homework and group assignments (but not making corrections), answering the student’s questions, correcting tests, and writing progress reports at the end of each semester.
  • Tutorial sessions.  The Friday tutorial session is led by the tutor. It allows for the students to ask questions, for the tutor to clarify the topics of the week, or for other material to be presented.  It is an opportunity to look back on the week, and for the student to gain some confidence before heading into the next week.
  • Class teacher.  When an entire class from a school joins JYMA, the class teacher usually serves the role of the tutor.

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