FAQ & Resources

Answers, Important links, documents, and videos

Check for answers in the FAQ.

Scroll down for our Schedules and Calendars, Curricula, Videos & Sample Lectures and Credits.

Schedules and Calendars

2024-2025 Schedules

2024-2025 Live Lectures and Parent Meetings

2025-2026 Schedules

Multi-Year Overview of Main Lessons for High School

Frequently Asked Questions

More information and details below. If you still have questions, contact us.

You can find important links and resources at the bottom of this page, including our schedule.

In the High School (details here), there are recorded lectures, which most students watch on Mon & Wed. The student work sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday, and the teacher-led live class is on Fridays.

All of our courses meet live with the teacher (lasting between 35 and 60 minutes) on Monday through Thursday. Students will meet in a small group of students (without the instructor) every Friday to work through an assignment. (This is similar to the Math Academy group meetings.)

Enrollment opens on May 15th for the next year. Your child can join a Math Academy class at any point in the school year. We will assist them to make sure there is a smooth transition. Enroll now.

We believe that developing an enthusiasm for learning, and independent and creative thinking are most important to us. We also spend a good amount of time on skills, and have a rigorous and supportive program, but sparking an interest in learning and developing real problem-solving abilities are our goals.

After the school year gets started, Jamie will hold parent meetings twice per quarter (about once per month) in order to elaborate on his intentions for the class and to answer parents’ questions.  While it is best to attend these meetings live, they will be recorded so you can watch them at a later time.

One of the central features of the Jamie York Academy is the peer-group sessions. In the Math Academy, students meet twice a week in peer groups to work on interesting problems or puzzles. In the science courses, students meet on Fridays to work together on problems or questions.

Today’s parents seem to worry about their child being “behind”.  Most students have some holes or weaknesses with their math skills.  But don’t worry, I start with the assumption that all students have either not been introduced to certain topics, or have forgotten.  My job is to introduce new material in an engaging way that works for children of all ability levels, and to find ways to review and strengthen skills that were introduced (or not) in previous years.

However, if your child is truly too far behind grade level or his/her learning challenges are too great, then you may choose to have your child just work individually with one of our tutors instead of being enrolled in a class with other students.

In our Academy, “main lessons” are 3- or 4-week intensive courses meant to cover a topic in-depth, in a developmentally-appropriate manner.

In the sciences for example, students cover various subjects each year. For example Physics is covered each year from 6th-12th grade, addressing various aspects of the physical world appropriately for each grade-level.

The whole class (grade level) could be any size (we have students in the Math Academy from around the world). The teacher-led live sessoions (High School) or tutorial sessions (Middle School) usually consist of around ten students. Student peer-work groups are between two and five students.

Our students will need to watch Jamie’s recorded lectures and participate in live video conferencing (with their parents at their side for grades 5 and 6). Our program does not involve any other use of computers, such as Internet research, watching YouTube videos, etc.

Although in some ways the science courses do build on what was covered the previous year, it is generally no problem for a student to take one of our science courses if they didn’t have that course (physics, chemistry, or biology) the previous year. Any prerequisite knowledge gained from previous years will be reviewed as it comes up.

In Waldorf-based education, topics are chosen based on the age development-level of the students rather than their ability or intelligence. Jamie York Academy doesn’t ‘push’ or seek to accelerate students, instead offering challenging material within their development level for advanced students while ensuring that nobody feels overwhelmed or anxious. If a student is behind grade level, the teacher assumes that they have not been introduced to certain topics and will find ways to introduce new material in an engaging way and review previous skills. In rare cases, a student may work with a tutor individually if they are too far behind grade level or have significant learning challenges. The goal is for all students to feel successful, appropriately challenged, and excited about learning math.

You can check your order manually by going to the Order Tracking page . If you know you have an account on this new website, you can Log In to view your orders.


Find our Quarterly and Week-by-Week Curricula for the Math Academy for grades 5-12.

JYMA Important Documents

Here are all the important documents needed for the various grades:

  • Links and times for the Live Student Lectures (which are held quarterly for grade 5 and 6, and at the end of the year for all grades).

Breakdown of Student Classroom Hours

  • Students watch two recorded lectures per week. Each recorded lecture takes about one hour.
    2 x 60 minutes = 120 minutes per week
  • Students attend two group meetings per week to work on math puzzles and problem solving. Each meeting takes about one hour.
    2 x 60 minutes = 120 minutes per week
  • Students attend one live class per week. Each live class takes about one hour.
    1 x 60 minutes = 60 minutes per week
  • Students do “Individual Work” (a.k.a., homework) This takes roughly two hours per week.
    120 minutes per week
  • Total Student Hours
    6 student hours/week
    6 hours/week x 16 weeks = 96 total hours/semester

Conversion to Credits (Carnegie units):

  • One semester is 16 weeks long.
  • One Carnegie unit is defined as 120 classroom hours.
  • Therefore, one semester of Jamie York Math Academy works out to:
    96 ÷ 120 = 0.8 Credits (Carnegie units)

Our Summer Math Camp is back! Join us from July 21 to August 7, 2025. Find out more and sign up

Sunflower geometric drawing

Enrollment is Open!

Register for our Waldorf-based, rigorous online homeschool math, science and humanities courses.

Join our growing community of thoughtful students from around the country and the world!

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