Jamie York Math Academy

From $106.67 / month ($960 / year)

Enroll for the Jamie York Math Academy, as an individual student.

This is the monthly payment option, there is also an option to pay for the whole year.

The Jamie York Math Academy runs for 32 weeks from September 4th to May (see the calendar).

Choose from the Basic Program (no weekly tutorial sessions) or the Full Program (includes weekly tutorial sessions), paid in monthly installments.

  • Basic Program: $960/year ($106.67/month)
  • Full Program: $1440/year ($160/month)

You can upgrade or downgrade between the Basic and Full at any time by managing your subscription in your account on this site.

Each quarter of the Math Academy is eight weeks long.  We realize that some families may wish to review lectures after the quarter is completed.  Therefore, we allow access to the lectures for an additional six weeks after the quarter is completed.  For those families operating on an independent schedule, this means you will have access to the lectures for a total of about 16 weeks.  Those wishing for longer access should send us a request.


Upon signing up you will be charged the initial monthly installment for the Academy program you choose ($106.67 or $160).

Subsequently, you will be charged each month on the 20th, from September 20th to April 20th. If you are joining anytime after September 20th, you will only be charged for the remaining months of the Academy.

Terms of Agreement:

Commitment and Cancellation. In order to honor our commitment to our tutors and our commitment to the other families, we encourage you to commit to have your child complete a full year of the Math Academy. However, should it become necessary to cancel, you can do so at any time by managing your subscription and you will not be charged subsequent monthly payments.

Financial Assistance:

Contact us to discuss Financial Assistance before you complete your purchase.

* Please note that all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade Math Academy students must be on the “Full” Program, with the live teaching sessions, not the “Basic”


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