Electricity & Magnetism


Teacher:  Maria Cabeza  (Read more about her biography here)

Dates for 4-Week Course:

February 24 to March 21, 2025

Times for Live Sessions:  Monday through Thursday, Starting at 9:30am MT (which is 11:30am ET and 8:30am PT).  Each live session lasts between 50 and 70 minutes.

Course Description

We now move into the realm of the invisible.  Through experimentation, scientists have made the properties of electricity and magnetism apparent and tangible, and engineers have made them practical and effective.  Indispensable as electricity and magnetism are to society today, their essence is yet elusive.  It is not with the eye, but only a mind well-trained that their true nature can be perceived.  Through retracing the journey of historical discovery, we will sharpen our intellects, and do our utmost to grasp the lawful truths hidden behind the curtain of the visible world.  While the final answer as to what electricity and magnetism really are may be best left to philosophy, through a careful consideration of demonstrable phenomena, science will guide us to a deeper understanding of their mysterious work in the world.

Topics Covered (subject to change):

  • Electrostatics and Van de Graaff
  • Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism
  • History and Biography: Volta, Galvani, Faraday, Tesla, Edison, and/or others
  • Laws of Coulomb, Ohm, and Lenz
  • Amperage, Voltage, and Resistance
  • Electronics: Inductors, Transformers, Capacitors, Resistors, Rheostats, Solenoids, Diodes, and Radio Antennas
  • In and Around Us: Earth Poles, Solar Storms, Auroras, Lighting, EKG’s, EEG’s

If you register your student for a science program and live outside the US, we will send you an invoice for an additional $30-$50 for your science kit shipping, depending on your location. 

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