Articles, News and Newsletters

Informative articles from the Jamie York Academy, as well as News and updates!

Jamie York Academy is a hub for teaching resources as well as Jamie York’s consciously- crafted online math courses based on his Making Math Meaningful™ curriculum. We also provide thoughtful, in-depth, select science and humanities courses taught by outstanding teachers.

Our publishing company, Jamie York Press, publishes Making Math Meaningful™ books, and we offer access to Art of Teaching Math online workshops for grades one through twelve. These resources can be found within the Academy on this site.

Informational and News Articles

In 2023, I got to build what I call a math teacher’s geometric dream house. It’s in the form of a rhombic triacontahedron, a form that my 8th grade students might recognize from the geometry block in which we study Platonic and Archimedean solids. The Waldorf geometry curriculum is one of the many ways that we develop the imagination of the students. The 8th grade geometry curriculum allows the students (through working with both paper and clay) to experience the metamorphosis of form.

In this new podcast, Jamie York discusses the growing trend of homeschooling with some 3.5 million children currently receiving an education at home. The number of homeschooled children initially quadrupled because of the Covid lockdowns. We are about to experience a society in which a significant number of children have received education that has been carefully curated by their parents. Jamie York discusses how his academy supports that process of curation. homeschooling trend

For most high school homeschoolers, documenting four years of work in a transcript is an intimidating undertaking. Although it seems daunting, there are various approaches and solutions that make it easier than you may think. We've gathered some resources and advice to help guide you from homeschool to college, or other post-graduation pursuits.

In this episode we take a deep dive into how intuition plays a role in mathematics, how philosophy influenced the development of math and how learning can take a form beyond logic. How math and logic in antiquity evolved from Pythagorean ideals to Cartesian skepticism. Where Jamie differs from Pinker, and how it's critical to meet children's educational needs within their development needs.

Email Newsletter Archive

Our Summer Math Camp is back! Join us from July 21 to August 7, 2025. Find out more and sign up

Sunflower geometric drawing

Enrollment is Open!

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